Saturday, September 6, 2008

My Head is About to Explode

After 45 minutes with Flickr, I am starting to feel like a dinosaur. I mean really! I am only 28 years old. I was born in 1980! I am on the cusp between Generation X and Generation Y (though I've always been partial to Gen-X) :) Does the smiley go before or after the parenthesis? I just keep reminding myself that it's only been 10 years since email was "so cool" and that this was my freshman year of college...

So I have created a Flickr "badge" which contains tags of libraries. The photos on my Flickr are, so far, not work appropriate. So I'll be working on that next. But so far, I just want to keep digging deeper into this stuff. It really is amazing to me how far things have come in so little time.

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